Profitability – governance and economy

We want our position as one of the world’s leading manufacturers of innovative packaging solutions to continue to be upheld by stable foundations. We focus on our company’s financial strength and resilience and on measures that offer the ALPLA Group as a whole added value. We also set great store by fostering our existing relations while also tapping new market segments.
Business ethics and legal compliance
ALPLA undertakes to engage in fair and ethical business conduct in accordance with all the legal requirements. As a diverse and multicultural company with a global orientation, we need a common understanding of ethical business practices.
Available in 27 languages, our Code of Conduct serves as a framework for business ethics and compliance with the law; we expect all of our employees to observe the principles set out in the Code of Conduct as well as the legal requirements and other internal regulations.
We also abide by the Base Code of the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) and perform more than 50 social audits a year to assess our plants on the basis of a representative and risk-based approach.
As our business is heavily dependent on suppliers (primarily raw material suppliers), their sustainability performance is a key factor in our success. Our Supplier Code of Conduct is therefore a binding document for all third parties seeking to engage in business relations with ALPLA.
Reporting and transparency
To guarantee our customers a high degree of transparency in the area of sustainability too, we publish our environmental data as a CDP score and an EcoVadis rating:
Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)
More and more customers are requesting our CDP score as they seek transparency regarding our carbon emissions and the initiatives we have introduced to reduce such emissions, in order for them to make informed decisions concerning their partnerships and supply chains.
Customers are increasingly also requesting our EcoVadis rating as they attach great importance to this too. With its holistic approach (environment, ethics, labour and human rights, sustainable procurement), this rating offers a comprehensive overview of a company’s sustainability endeavours.
Innovation management
We at ALPLA firmly believe that competitive packaging solutions with relevant benefits are only possible if we understand the market and its ever-changing requirements. Close partnerships with our customers and proactive research enable us to keep our products up to date.
‘Our access to innovations has become considerably more active in the last few years. New packaging solutions are no longer only developed on the basis of customer enquiries, but also ahead of time with foresight.’
Christian Zmölnig, Director of Corporate Research, Development & Innovation
In-house production lines
The ALPLA Group operates more than a third of its sites as in-house production lines directly at our customers’ premises. The first such operation was inaugurated in Italy in 1985. With our many years of experience, we are now able to set up an in-house production line within a short space of time.
This form of collaboration offers various environmental and economic benefits. Transport and transport packaging can be done away with and staff resources can be reduced too. We can respond to production changes flexibly and quickly. Through our extensive partner network, we have also developed award-winning innovations together with our customers.
An in-house production line not only minimises costs and allows for close and successful collaboration between us and our customers – it also prevents tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions.

157,000 tonnes of CO2e equate to:
Supply chain management
It goes without saying that we incorporate environmental, social and compliance standards into our procurement process. We wish to improve standards throughout the value chain on the basis of considered supplier selection and long-term partnerships.
We have laid down our guidelines in a Supplier Code of Conduct. This focuses on criteria such as quality, price and on-time delivery. In addition to the generally applicable compliance principles, we place considerable emphasis on environmental management, occupational health and safety, and social responsibility.