ALPLA's Sustainability Statement

At ALPLA Group, in line with our Global Strategy 2026, our commitment to sustainability is reflected in our responsible approach and key objectives in the three pillars of sustainability:
- PEOPLE (Employee engagement & society): We are conscious of our responsibility towards our employees and their families and we remain mindful of our impact on wider society. Our relationships are characterized by respect of human rights, including equal opportunities, safe and productive working conditions, fairness, and honesty.
- PLANET (Production & environment): We are actively shaping the transformation to a circular economy. We want to generate products that feature the smallest possible ecological footprint and can be re-processed to create new packaging solutions. Our production goals include the overall decrease of our GHG emissions, the efficient handling of resources without any loss of water or reusable materials, the deployment of sustainable and recyclable materials, and the use of renewable energy sources.
- PROFITABILITY (Economy & governance): As a family-run company, we pursue a long-term approach in our strategic planning. Far from targeting ‘growth at any cost’, our economic activities are based on ensuring the financial strength and stability of our business, while continuously increasing our sustainability performance, showcased by our ESG ratings.
Our Action Areas
We set key principles related to our commitment to sustainability, acting as the main pillars of our policies related to the most important aspects under the three pillars of sustainability, with most of them also contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We also developed related quantitative targets, enabling us to continuously monitor our progress. All principles and targets below apply to ALPLA Group as a whole. Principles are revised and targets are monitored on a yearly basis by the respective corporate functional departments, ensuring an up-to-date list of our sustainability policy elements and commitments.

Employee Engagement and Society
Health & safety and working conditions (SDG 8)
Our principles:
- We protect the health and safety of all associates of our organization, creating an appropriate safe working environment to prevent accidents and work-related illnesses by ensuring that all applicable regulations and standards are identified on all organizational levels and proper actions are derived.
Our targets:
- ALPLA commits to reduce the Lost Time Cases rate by 40% from 2023 to 2026.
- ALPLA commits to achieve a retention rate (considering employee initiated leavings) of 89% by 2026.
- ALPLA commits to have childcare solutions at 50% of its plants by 2026.
Diversity, discrimination, child and forced labor
Our principles:
- We do not tolerate discrimination, sexual harassment, child labor or forced labor under any circumstances.
Our targets:
- ALPLA commits to 0 non-compliance cases in SMETA audits regarding child and forced labour in any given year until 2030.
- 100% of cases related to discrimination or harassment, reported through the ALPLA Reporting Channel or identified during Responsible Sourcing audits, are thoroughly processed in max. 90 days, each year until 2030.
Career management and training (SDG 8)
Our principles:
- We want to establish a talent pipeline for leadership and expert careers by means of strategic skills and competence management and broad learning opportunities for all ALPLA employees.
- We professionalize the learning experience of our employees with new ways of learning and offer an extended portfolio to fill the departments’ skill and competence gaps.
- We want to be the employer of choice for current and prospective employees. This is achieved with high-quality standards along the candidate experience and the employee life cycle.
Our targets:
- By continuously improving our global ambitions in Learning, Training, People and Talent Development, we want to achieve a maturity level of 3.7 out of 5 by 2026 in our balanced scorecard in Human Resources.
- ALPLA commits to increasing its global dual-educational programs from 250 to 500 students from 2021 by 2030.
Social dialogue
Our principles:
- We are committed to maintaining constructive relationships with employee representatives and unions, promoting mutual respect, transparency, and shared responsibility. Through effective social dialogue, we aim to address workplace issues proactively, enhance employee well-being, and drive sustainable organizational growth.
- If based on country-specific legal regulations or requirements, ALPLA ensures that workers are allowed to have worker representation via a workers’ committee, works council or a trade union.
Our targets:
- ALPLA strives for zero non-compliances regarding workers' representation each year until 2030.

Production and the Environment
Energy consumption and GHG emissions (SDG 13)
Our principles:
- We reduce our carbon footprint through greater energy efficiency, the use of renewable energy sources, and by switching to post-consumer recycled raw materials.
- We support production either on the customer site (in-house facilities) or near the customer site (nearby facilities) to reduce emissions and conserve resources.
Our targets:
- ALPLA commits to reduce absolute Scope 2 GHG emissions by 42% by 2030 from a 2021 base year.
- ALPLA commits to reduce Scope 3 GHG emissions from purchased goods and services and processing of sold products by an annual 7% per ton of procured materials by 2030 from a 2021 base year.
Water management (SDG 6)
Our principles:
- We continuously improve our water management performance through energy efficiency measures.
Our targets:
- ALPLA commits to spend an annual average of 300,000 EUR on energy-saving projects related to water management until 2030.
Air pollution
Our principles:
- We recognize the critical importance of environmental stewardship and our responsibility to minimize the impact of our operations on air quality, through regular air pollution analyses and by promoting cleaner production practices, including prevention efforts.
- We comply with all relevant local, national, and international regulations related to air quality.
Our targets:
- ALPLA commits to have 0 (zero) fines related to air pollution each year until 2030.
Materials management (SDG 12)
Our principles:
- We prevent material loss through optimised production processes and minimised pellet loss through our Zero Pellet Loss program.
Our targets:
- ALPLA will implement the Zero Pellet Loss program in 100% of its locations by 2025.
Circular economy (SDG 12)
Our principles:
- We invest in recycling technologies to contribute to a circular economy, following the bottle-to-bottle approach.
- We are active in all four aspects of the circular economy: Recycle (recycling activities, design for recycling), Reuse (reusable packaging solutions), Replace (research and development related to bio-based solutions), Reduce (lightweighting).
Our targets:
- 25% of ALPLA’s total processed material will be post-consumer recycled by 2025.
- ALPLA’s packaging solutions will be 100% recyclable by 2025.
- ALPLA plans to double the current installed and planned output capacity to 700,000 tonnes of recycled material by 2030.
Customer/consumer health & safety (SDG 2, SDG 12)
Our principles:
- We comply with international environmental and energy management standards (ISO 14001 and 50001), as well as ISO 9001, ISO 22716, FSSC 22000, FDA – Pasteurized Milk Ordinance and international schemes such as ISCC PLUS and RecyClass, as well as statutory and regulatory regulations.
- We ensure that sufficient information regarding our plastic packaging solutions on issues concerning quality and consumer health & safety are available throughout the supply chain.

Governance and Economy
Our principles:
- We are a member of SEDEX (AB status) and audit many of our production facilities according to SMETA.
- We report our annual environmental data via the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) and Ecovadis.
Our targets:
- ALPLA will achieve an EcoVadis score of 77 points by 2030.
- ALPLA will achieve a ‘B’ CDP Climate change score continuously until 2026.
Business ethics
Our principles:
- We ensure that adequate awareness is created among employees through information and training measures regarding corruption, conflict of interest, anti-competitive practices, fraud and money laundering.
Our targets:
- 100% of ALPLA employees will have read and confirmed ALPLA’s Code of Conduct, covering all relevant business ethics issues, each year until 2030.
- ALPLA targets 0 (zero) confirmed reports of incidents related to corruption, conflict of interest, anti-competitive practices, fraud and money laundering each year until 2030.
Information security
Our principles:
- We maintain and continuously improve information security at ALPLA in order to ensure confidentiality, integrity, availability and authenticity of tangible and non-tangible information assets of ALPLA, our partners and customers.
Our targets:
100% of onboarded ALPLA users will have read and acknowledged the information security policy by 2025.
Sustainable procurement
Our principles:
- We proactively engage our key suppliers to increase the level of sustainability of our value chain, demanding them to decarbonize their operations, to regularly assess their performance through EcoVadis, and to adhere to ALPLA’s Supplier Code of Conduct.
Our targets:
- ALPLA commits that 100% of key suppliers will have adhered to ALPLA’s Supplier Code of Conduct by 2025.
- ALPLA commits to cover 100% of its key suppliers by the Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) program by 2025. ALPLA also commits that key suppliers will have reached an average of 60 points in the sustainability pillar of the SRM by 2026.
Philipp Lehner